Plants avocado is a fruit plant a tree
with the name alpuket (West Java), avocado (East Java / Central Java), boah
pokat, Jamboo pokat (Batak), advocates, Jamboo butter, Jamboo pooan, pookat
(Lampung) and others. Avocado crop comes from
the lowland / Central America and higher
expected to enter Indonesia in the 18th century. Officially between the years 1920-1930 Indonesia had introduced 20 varieties of avocados from Central America and the United States to obtain improved varieties in order to improve health and nutrition, especially in the highlands.
expected to enter Indonesia in the 18th century. Officially between the years 1920-1930 Indonesia had introduced 20 varieties of avocados from Central America and the United States to obtain improved varieties in order to improve health and nutrition, especially in the highlands.
Detailed classification of avocado
crops are as follows:
Division: Spermatophyta
Children Division: Angiospermae
Class: Dicotyledoneae
Nation: Ranales
Family: Lauraceae
Marga: Persea
Varieties: Persea americana Mill
Based on the ecological properties, avocado plant consists of three types of heredity / race, namely :.
Division: Spermatophyta
Children Division: Angiospermae
Class: Dicotyledoneae
Nation: Ranales
Family: Lauraceae
Marga: Persea
Varieties: Persea americana Mill
Based on the ecological properties, avocado plant consists of three types of heredity / race, namely :.
1) Race Mexico
Hailing from the highlands of Mexico
and Equador semi-tropical climate with an altitude between 2400-2800 m above
sea level. This race has leaves
and fruit
smelling of fennel. Flowering period until the fruit can be harvested approximately 6 months. Small fruit weighing 100-225 grams, oblong shape (oval), short-stemmed,
the skin is thin and slippery. Large seed meets the fruit cavity. Fruit flesh has a content of oil / fat is highest. This race is resistant to cold temperatures.
smelling of fennel. Flowering period until the fruit can be harvested approximately 6 months. Small fruit weighing 100-225 grams, oblong shape (oval), short-stemmed,
the skin is thin and slippery. Large seed meets the fruit cavity. Fruit flesh has a content of oil / fat is highest. This race is resistant to cold temperatures.
2) Ras Guatemala
Hailing from the highlands of Central
America sub-tropical climate with a height of about 800-2400 m above sea level. This race is less resistant to cold
temperatures (tolerance
to -4.5 degrees C). Leaves no smell of fennel. The fruit has a fairly large size, weighing between 200-2300 grams, thick rind, hard,
easily damaged and coarse (berbintil-nodule). Ripe fruit between 9-12 months after flowering. Seeds are relatively small and tightly stuck in the cavity, with the seed coat attached. Fruit pulp has an oil content being.
to -4.5 degrees C). Leaves no smell of fennel. The fruit has a fairly large size, weighing between 200-2300 grams, thick rind, hard,
easily damaged and coarse (berbintil-nodule). Ripe fruit between 9-12 months after flowering. Seeds are relatively small and tightly stuck in the cavity, with the seed coat attached. Fruit pulp has an oil content being.
3) Ras West Indies
Derived from lowland Central America and
South America tropical, with an altitude below 800 m above sea level. This variety is very sensitive to low
temperatures, with a tolerance of up to minus 2 degrees C. odorless fennel
leaves, leaf color brighter than the other two races. The fruit is large, weighing between
400-2300 grams, short stalks, fruit peel somewhat slippery clay and thick. Ripe fruit 6-9 months after flowering. Seeds are large and often loose in the
cavity, puck rough seed. Oil content and flesh
Avocado varieties in Indonesia can be
classified into two, namely:
1) yielding varieties
Superior properties include higher
production, tolerant to pests and diseases, uniform fruit oval and
medium-sized, flesh
good quality and not fibrous, small grain seed attached to the cavity, as well as fruit skin slippery. As of the date of January 14, 1987, the Minister of Agriculture
has established two superior varieties of avocado, namely the long green avocado and green circular. The properties of both varieties, among others:
good quality and not fibrous, small grain seed attached to the cavity, as well as fruit skin slippery. As of the date of January 14, 1987, the Minister of Agriculture
has established two superior varieties of avocado, namely the long green avocado and green circular. The properties of both varieties, among others:
height: 5-8 m long green avocado, avocado green round 6-8 m.
shape: long green avocado long round with flat edge, avocado green round round
long with wavy edges.
green avocado continuous length, depending on the location and soil fertility,
avocado green circular constantly, depending on the location and soil
Weight: 0.3-0.5 kg long green avocado, avocado green round 0.3-0.4 kg.
shape: long green avocado pear shape (pyriform), avocado green rounded oval
flavors: avocado green long-tasty, savory, somewhat soft, round green avocado
tasty, savory, somewhat dry.
of fruit: avocado green 6.5-10 cm long (an average of 8 cm), avocado green
circular 7.5 cm.
length of fruit: avocado green from 11.5 to 18 cm long (average 14 cm), avocado
green round 9 cm.
Long green avocado 40-80 kg / tree / year (average 50 kg), avocado green round
20-60 kg / tree / year (an average of 30 kg).
2) Other varieties
Varieties of this group are avocado
germplasm Installation Research and Technology Assessment, Tlekung, Malang. Some varieties of avocado are contained
in the experimental garden Tlekung, Malang is a long red avocado, red round,
dickson, butler, winslowson, Benik, puebla, furete, Collinson, waldin, Ganter,
mexcola, duke, ryan, Leucadia, queen and edranol.
Parts of the avocado plant is widely
used as food fruit fresh fruit. In
addition the use of meat avocado common European society is used as a food
ingredient that is processed in a variety of cuisines. Another benefit of the flesh of an
avocado is a basic material for cosmetics.
Another part can be used is the young
leaves as traditional medicine (medicine kidney stones, arthritis).
Avocado producing countries on a large
scale is America (Florida, California, Hawaii), Australia, Cuba, Argentina, and
South Africa. From year to
year-old American had an avocado orchard are constantly increasing.
year-old American had an avocado orchard are constantly increasing.
In Indonesia, the plant avocado is
still the garden plants, has not grown in scale farming. Avocado producing areas are West Java,
East Java, parts of Sumatra, South Sulawesi and Nusa Tenggara.
Wind is required by avocado crop,
especially for pollination process. However, the wind
with a speed of 62.4 to 73.6 km / h may be able to break twigs and stems of
plants belonging avocado soft, brittle and easily broken.
The minimum rainfall for growth is
750-1000 mm / year.
Indies and cross-bred races thrive in the lowland
tropical climate with rainfall of 2500 mm / year. For areas with rainfall of less than the minimum requirement (2-6 dry months), avocado plants can still grow origin of ground water depth up to 2 m.
tropical climate with rainfall of 2500 mm / year. For areas with rainfall of less than the minimum requirement (2-6 dry months), avocado plants can still grow origin of ground water depth up to 2 m.
The need sunlight for growth ranging
from 40-80% avocado.
and Guatemala to race more resistant to cold weather and climate
dry, when compared with the West Indies race.
dry, when compared with the West Indies race.
The optimal temperature for growth
avocado ranged from 12.8 to 28.3 degrees C. Given the avocado plant can be
grown in the lowlands to highlands
high, avocado plants can tolerate temperatures between 15-30 degrees C or more. The amount of the avocado crop cardinal temperature depends races respectively, among other races Mexico has a tolerance to -7 degrees C, Guatemala to -4.5 degrees C, and the West Indies to 2 degrees C.
high, avocado plants can tolerate temperatures between 15-30 degrees C or more. The amount of the avocado crop cardinal temperature depends races respectively, among other races Mexico has a tolerance to -7 degrees C, Guatemala to -4.5 degrees C, and the West Indies to 2 degrees C.
Avocado plant that grows optimally need
loose soil, not easily flooded, (drainage / sewerage good), fertile and
contains a lot of organic material.
The type of soil is good for growing
avocados is sandy loam type of soil (sandy loam), clay loam (clay loam) and
clay sediment (alluvial loam).
The acidity of the soil is good for
growing avocados ranged from slightly acid to neutral pH (5.6 to 6.4). If
the pH is below 5.5 will crop
suffer from poisoning because of the element of Al, Mg, and Fe dissolved in considerable amounts. Conversely at pH above 6.5 some functional elements such as Fe, Mg, and Zn is reduced.
suffer from poisoning because of the element of Al, Mg, and Fe dissolved in considerable amounts. Conversely at pH above 6.5 some functional elements such as Fe, Mg, and Zn is reduced.
In general, avocado crops can be grown
in the lowlands to highlands, ie 5-1500 m asl.
these plants will thrive with satisfactory results at an altitude of 200-1000 m
above sea level. For race avocado
plant of Mexico and Guatemala more suitable to be planted in an area with an
altitude of 1000-2000 m., While the West Indies race at an altitude 5-1000 m
1) Requirements for Seeds
Good seed, among others, are derived
a) The fruit that is quite old.
b) The fruit does not fall until rupture.
c) Procurement of more than one kind of
seed to ensure the possibility of persarian crossed.
2) Preparation of Seeds
Until now only obtainable avocado seed
generative (via seeds) and vegetative (grafting shoots / graft and connecting
eye / grafting).
Of the three ways, the seeds obtained from the seeds of the plant are less profitable because the old fruiting (6-8 years) and there is the possibility that the fruit produced
different from the parent. While the results of grafting and graft seedlings faster fruiting (1-4 years) and the fruit has acquired properties
together with its parent.
Of the three ways, the seeds obtained from the seeds of the plant are less profitable because the old fruiting (6-8 years) and there is the possibility that the fruit produced
different from the parent. While the results of grafting and graft seedlings faster fruiting (1-4 years) and the fruit has acquired properties
together with its parent.
3) Techniques Seeding Seed
a) Splicing shoots (graft)
The main tree is used for the graft is
a plant that has been aged 6-7 months / can also 1-year-old, plants derived
from seeds originating from the fruit that was old and cook, height 30 cm /
less, and the vital tissue at the base not woody stems. As a branch of the limb joints used
young and approximately 0.7 cm in diameter.
limb is cut sloping in accordance with the existing gap in the trees along the
principal is more than 10 cm, and then inserted into the principal parts of a
tree beside tied / wrapped. Good
material for tying are rubber bands, plastic, raffia / waxy cloth. We recommend connecting the principal
tree made as low as possible so as not to
be able buds on staple crops. Graft-graft
which has been spliced put in the
shade, not windy, and humid. Every
day the plant watered, and to prevent plant disease should be sprayed
fungicide. In the dry season the
white mite pests often attack, for it should be prevented by spray kelthane. Seedlings usually can be moved to the
garden after the age of 9-16 months, and their removal is done at the start of
the rainy season
b) Connection of the eye (grafting)
Making the grafting seedlings conducted
on the base of the tree aged 8-10 months.
the eye to be grafted is taken from a healthy limb, with the age of 1 year, and
his eyes were clear. The best time to
stick to, namely when the bark is removed from the timber seedling. The trick is bark slashed staple length
of 10 cm and a width of 8 mm. Skin
is removed from the timber and pulled down and cut into 6 cm. Furthermore slashed an eye with a bit
of wood from the branch eye (enthout), the wood is released slowly without
damaging the eye. Leather-eyed inserted
between the leather and wood that has slashed the principal trees and closed
again, the eyes do not get shut records.
dressing entirely with plastic tape.
within 3-5 days eyes still green, the attachment successfully.
The next 10-15 days after attachment,
plastic strap is opened. Principal tree trunks
deep transverse cut off half its diameter, approximately 5-7.5 cm in
top grafting, then curved so that the growth of the eye can be faster. Once the rod is out of the eye reaches a height of 1 m, then the tree
curved staple is cut just above the grafting and wound flattened, then covered with paraffin that has been melted. This grafting trees
moved to the garden after the age of 8-12 months and the removal of the most good is at the beginning of the rainy season. In vegetative propagation to note is to maintain air humidity to remain higher (+ 80%) and the air temperature at the connecting point should not be too high (between 15-25 ° C). It also should not be done in the season of heavy rain and too much direct sunlight. Seeds in the form of a connection needs to be watered regularly and fertilized 2 weeks. Fertilization can simultaneously with the watering, ie by dissolving 1-1.5 g of urea / NPK into 1 liter of water. Foliar fertilizer can also be given with the recommended dose in the packaging. While the control of pests and diseases is done only when necessary.
top grafting, then curved so that the growth of the eye can be faster. Once the rod is out of the eye reaches a height of 1 m, then the tree
curved staple is cut just above the grafting and wound flattened, then covered with paraffin that has been melted. This grafting trees
moved to the garden after the age of 8-12 months and the removal of the most good is at the beginning of the rainy season. In vegetative propagation to note is to maintain air humidity to remain higher (+ 80%) and the air temperature at the connecting point should not be too high (between 15-25 ° C). It also should not be done in the season of heavy rain and too much direct sunlight. Seeds in the form of a connection needs to be watered regularly and fertilized 2 weeks. Fertilization can simultaneously with the watering, ie by dissolving 1-1.5 g of urea / NPK into 1 liter of water. Foliar fertilizer can also be given with the recommended dose in the packaging. While the control of pests and diseases is done only when necessary.
Processing Plant
Land for avocado plants to do well; must be cleared of trees, shrubs,
stumps crop marks, as well as stones
disturb. Furthermore, land in or ditraktor hoe, hoe and smooth 2-3 times. The execution of land should be done during the dry season so
later planting can be done at the beginning or during the rainy season.
disturb. Furthermore, land in or ditraktor hoe, hoe and smooth 2-3 times. The execution of land should be done during the dry season so
later planting can be done at the beginning or during the rainy season.
1) Investment Patterns
Avocado planting patterns should be
done in a combination of different variations.
is given that most varieties of avocado plant can not pollinate itself, but the
long green varieties that have a flower type A. There are two types of flowers
of some varieties of avocado in Indonesia, namely type A and type B. Varieties
are classified as type A flower is green Long, green round, long red, red
round, waldin, butler, benuk, dickinson, puebla, taft, and hass. While classified as type B is
Collinson, itszamma, winslowsaon, fuerte, lyon, Nabal, Ganter, and queen. Cross pollination only occurs between
the two types of flowers. Therefore, planting
avocado in a land should be combined between varieties with flower type A and
type B flowers so the flowers pollinate each other mutually.
2) Hole Making Plant
a) Soil excavated with a length, width,
and height of 75 cm respectively.
hole left open for approximately 2 weeks.
b) Land for the top and bottom
c) the planting hole is closed again
with its original position. First
upper soil mixed with 20 kg of manure before it is put into
in the hole.
in the hole.
d) the planting hole that has been
closed again pegged to move given the location of the planting hole.
3) How Planting
Proper planting time is at the
beginning of the rainy season and soil in the planting hole is no longer
decreasing. The thing to note is
the existing soil in the planting hole should be higher than the surrounding
soil. This is to avoid
water tergenangnya when watered or rained.
The steps of planting is as follows:
a) the planting hole is closed, dug
again the size of the container seedlings.
b) Seeds are removed from the basket or
polybags with slashed in order to remain intact soil clods.
c) Seed clumping along with land that
is still included in the hole as high as the neck stem, then backfilled and
tied to a stake.
d) Each seedling should be given shade
to avoid direct sunlight, wind, and rain shower.
shade is made oblique with a high portion in
the east. This shade serves to
grow new shoots or approximately 2-3 weeks.
1) Weeding
Weeds grow around the plant because in
that place there are many nutrients.
addition to a rival in obtaining food, weeds also
is the breeding of pests and diseases. Therefore, so that plants can grow well, the weeds must be weeded
(Repealed) regularly.
is the breeding of pests and diseases. Therefore, so that plants can grow well, the weeds must be weeded
(Repealed) regularly.
2) tilling the soil
Soil watered every day of course will
be more dense and the air in it the less.
a result, the plant roots can not absorb freely
nutrient. To avoid this, the soil around the plants need digemburkan carefully so that the roots are not severed.
nutrient. To avoid this, the soil around the plants need digemburkan carefully so that the roots are not severed.
3) Watering
Newly planted seedlings need a lot of
water, so watering should be done every day.
right time for watering is early morning / afternoon,
and if the rain does not need to be watered again.
and if the rain does not need to be watered again.
4) Prune Plants
Pruning is only done on the branches
that grow too tight or dead branches.
is done carefully so that the wounds
former trimming spared from infectious diseases and pruning wounds should be given fungicide / cover wounds.
former trimming spared from infectious diseases and pruning wounds should be given fungicide / cover wounds.
5) Fertilization
In the cultivation of avocado takes
good fertilization program and regular.
the avocado plant root system, especially the roots of his hair, only slightly
less extensive and growing the fertilizer should be given rather frequently
with small doses. The amount of
fertilizer given depends on the age of the plant.
the annual fertilization program using urea (45% N), TSP (50% P), and KCl (60%
K) then to plant a young age (1-4 years) given urea, TSP, and KCl respectively
of 0 , from 27 to 1.1 kg / tree, 0.5-1 kg / tree and from 0.2 to .83 kg / tree. For crop production life (5 years)
given urea, TSP, and KCl respectively of 2.22 to 3.55 kg / tree, 3.2 kg / tree,
and 4 kg / tree. Fertilizer should be
given four times a year.
Given the avocado plant has little root
of the hair, then the fertilizer should be placed as close as possible to the
roots. How to embed the
fertilizer into the hole as deep as 30-40 cm, in which a hole is made just
below the edge of the plant canopy, encircling the plant.
on Leaf
1) Caterpillar kipat (Cricula
trisfenestrata helf)
Feature: The body length of 6 cm, black
patches of white and filled with white hair.
and tails bright red.
Symptoms: The leaves intact and there
are no bite marks. In the great attack,
the leaf is completely discharged but the plants will not die, and look cocoon
Control: Using insecticides containing
the active ingredient monokrotofos or Sipermetein, eg Cymbush 50 EC at a dose
of 1-3 cc / liter
or Azodrin 15 WSC at a dose of 2-3 cc / liter.
or Azodrin 15 WSC at a dose of 2-3 cc / liter.
2) elephant butterfly caterpillar
(Attacus atlas L.)
Feature: Butterfly wings can reach a
size of 25 cm with a reddish-brown color and a triangular tansparan. Green caterpillar covered with white
15 cm long and has a fleshy spines. Pupa contained in a brown cocoon.
15 cm long and has a fleshy spines. Pupa contained in a brown cocoon.
Symptoms: Similar to kipat caterpillar
attack symptoms, but no hanging cocoon but are among the leaves.
Control: Same as kipat worm
3) Aphis gossypii Glov / A. Cucumeris, A. cucurbitii / Aphis
Feature: dark green body color to black
or brown kunig. These pests secrete
honey dew which usually overgrown fungus that leaves black soot and ants
Symptoms: impaired plant growth. Violent attacks the plant will be
stunted and twisted.
Control: Sprayed with insecticide
active ingredient acephate / dimetoat, for example Orthene 75 SP at a dose of
0.5-0.8 grams / liter or Roxion 2 cc / liter.
4) Ticks white dompolan (Pseudococcus
citri Risso) / Planococcus citri Risso
Feature: The shape of the elliptical
body, yellowish brown to orange red, white flour covered, body size 3 mm, has a
bulge at the edge of the body with a number of pairs 14-18 and the longest in
the buttocks.
Symptoms: stunted plant growth and
skinny. Young shoots, leaves,
stems, flower stalks, stems fruit, and fruit are attacked will look pale,
covered with a white mass, and gradually dry.
Control: Sprayed with insecticide
containing the active ingredient FORMOTION, monokrotofos, dimetoat, or
carbaryl. For example anthion
30 EC dose of 1-1.5 liters / ha, Sevin 85 S dose of 0.2% of the concentration
of fomula.
5) red mite (Tetranychus cinnabarinus
Feature: The body of the female mite
crimson / red-brown, while the male mites yellowish green / red. There are a number of black spots, legs
and part of white mouth, body size of 0.5 mm.
and part of white mouth, body size of 0.5 mm.
Symptoms: The surface of mottled yellow
leaves that later would turn into such a deep red rust. Under the leaf surface appears finely
woven threads. Violent attacks
causing leaves to wither and fall off.
Control: Sprayed with akarisida Kelthan
MF dikofoldan containing active ingredients, with a dose of 0.6 to 1 liter /
on fruit
1) The fruit fly Dacus (Dacus dorsalis
Feature: Body size 6-8 mm with a
wingspan of 5-7 mm. Chest dark brown
patches of yellow / white and light brown abdomen
dark brown ribbon. White larval stage when still young and yellow as an adult, the body length of 1 cm.
dark brown ribbon. White larval stage when still young and yellow as an adult, the body length of 1 cm.
Symptoms: Visible black spots / bejolan
on the surface of the fruit, which is a pest puncture and a place to lay eggs. The inside of the hollow and rotten
fruit were eaten by the larvae.
Control: With citronella oil lures /
bait protein malathion will turn off the flies that feed on them. Spraying insecticides can be done for
example by Hostathion 40 EC which contain active triazofos dose of 2 cc / liter
and the best course of action is to eliminate all the pieces are attacked or
turn the soil so that the larvae exposed to the sun and die.
2) Flying-Fox (Cynopterus sp)
Feature: Body as a bat but smaller size
fruit attacked at night.
Symptoms: There is a hollow part of the
fruit bites. Fruit is attacked
only the elderly, and the edible part is the flesh alone.
Control: Flying-Fox Capture using nets
/ frighten him using a windmill by a whistle that can cause noise.
on Branch / Twig
1) Beetle powder branch (Xyleborus
Coffeae WURTH / Xylosandrus morigerus Bldf).
Feature: Beetle who prefer the coffee
plant is dark brown and measuring 1.5 mm.
larvae are white and 2 mm in length.
Symptoms: There is a hole that
resembles a tunnel on a branch or twig.
tunnel can be greater so that food can not be tersalurakan to the leaves, then
the leaves wither and eventually the dead branches or twigs.
Control: Branch / branches trimmed
attacked and burned. It can also be
sprayed with insecticide active ingredient acephate or diazinon are
contained in Orthene 75 SP with doses 0.5-0.8 grams / liter and Diazinon 60 EC dose of 1-2 cc / liter.
contained in Orthene 75 SP with doses 0.5-0.8 grams / liter and Diazinon 60 EC dose of 1-2 cc / liter.
caused by Fungi
1) Antraknosa
Cause: The fungus Colletotrichum
gloeosporioides (Penz.) SACC. Which
has colored mycelium cokleat green to black and gray colored spores
Symptoms: The disease attacks all parts
of the plant, except the roots. Infected
part brown rust, then leaves, flowers, fruits / branch affected plants will
Control: Pruning twigs and dead
branches. Fruit research
conducted somewhat early (already old but not yet ripe). It can also be sprayed with the
fungicide maneb active ingredient as in Velimex 80 WP. This fungicide is given 2 weeks prior
to plucking at a dose of 2-2.5 grams / liter.
2) The leaf spots or brown spots
Cause: Cercospora purpurea CKE. / Known
also by Pseudocercospora purpurea (CKE). Derghton. This fungus dark and liked the place
Symptoms: patches of light brown with
dark brown edges on the surface of leaves or fruits. When the weather is humid, brown spots
turn into spots
gray. If allowed, the long run will be a hole that can be entered into other organisms.
gray. If allowed, the long run will be a hole that can be entered into other organisms.
Control: Spraying Masalgin 50 WP
fungicide containing benomyl, at a dose of 1-2 grams / liter or can also by
applying a slurry Bordeaux.
3) Root rot and stem cancer
Cause: The fungus Phytophthora living
saprophyte in soil containing organic matter, like wet soils with poor
Symptoms: When the affected plants
roots then growth becomes impaired, young shoots grew scarce. The most fatal consequence is the death
of the tree. When the stems of
plants are attacked it will seem discoloration of the skin at the base of the
Control: drainage needs to be repaired,
do not let stagnant water / to unload the affected plants and then replaced
with new plants.
4) Rotten fruit
Cause: Botryodiplodia theobromae pat. This fungus attacks when there are
injuries to the surface of the fruit.
Symptoms: The first attack was the tip
of the fruit stalk with evidence of irregular brown spots, which then spread to
the fruit. In the skin of the
fruit will be small bumps arise.
Control: Apply porridge Bordeaux /
spray Velimex 80 WP fungicide active ingredient Zineb, with a dose of 2-2.5
grams / liter.
and Harvest
The characteristics of the fruit that
was old but not yet ripe are:
a) dark skin color but not become brown
/ red and shiny;
b) when the fruit tapped with the back
of the nail, causing a loud noise;
c) if the pieces rocking the baby, will
be heard shaking seeds.
Determination of the rate of aging
fruit requires its own experience.
need to be observed when flowers bloom until six months later, because
avocado usually after 6-7 months old when flowers bloom. To be sure, it is necessary picked some fruit as an example. When the fruits examples
The cook well, a sign that the fruit was old and ready to be harvested.
avocado usually after 6-7 months old when flowers bloom. To be sure, it is necessary picked some fruit as an example. When the fruits examples
The cook well, a sign that the fruit was old and ready to be harvested.
to Harvest
Generally avocado harvest is done
manually, which is picked by hand.
the physical condition does not allow it to climb trees, the harvest can be
helped by using the tool / pole by tangguk cloth / jute at the end / stairs. When harvested, the fruit must be
picked / cut
together with a little fruit stalk (3-5 cm) to prevent bruises, wounds / infections in the section near the fruit stalk.
together with a little fruit stalk (3-5 cm) to prevent bruises, wounds / infections in the section near the fruit stalk.
Avocado usually experienced at the
beginning of the flowering season the rainy season, and the dense fruiting
season is usually in December, January, and February. In Indonesia the natural state suitable
for planting avocado, harvest can take place every month.
Production of avocado fruit on the
trees which grow well and bear fruit may reach 70-80 kg / tree / year. Average production that can be expected
from each tree is about 50 kg.
9. Postharvest
Laundering is intended to eliminate all
kinds of dirt, thus simplifying the classification / sorting. How to wash depends on the dirt.
Sorting fruit since they are at the
farm level, with the aim of selecting the fruit of good and qualified, is
expected fruit that has the following characteristics:
No defects, rind should be smooth
without spots.
Quite old but not yet mature.
Uniform fruit size. Usually
used in a standard 1 kg consists of 3 pieces or a maximum weight of 400 g.
Uniform fruit shape. Most
orders are bell-shaped.
Fruits are much requested importers to
foreign consumers is fruit yellow flesh of avocado butter without fiber. Meanwhile, to meet domestic needs, all
of the terms was not too taken into account.
and Storage
The new avocado can be consumed when it
is ripe. To achieve this level
packaging takes around 7 days after the quotation (if fruits are picked at the
moment is enough ketuaannya). When
the grace period will be accelerated, the fruit must be cured first. For export purposes, it is not
necessary because the curing time limit is adjusted to the length of travel to
reach the destination. Avocado ripening way
is still very modest. In general, simply by
inserting fruit into burlap sacks, then the meeting ends tied. After the sack is placed in a dry and
clean. Because avocados have
a shelf life of only up to about 7 days (since picking up ready to eat), then
if you want to slow down the shelf life can be done by storing them in a room
temperature of 5 degrees C. In this way, shelf life can be slowed samapai 30-40
and Transportation
Packaging is the container / place used
to package a commodity. Packaging for the
local market is different from that for export.
marketing in the country, avocado packed in plastic bags / baskets, and then
transported by truck. While packing for
export is different again, which generally use a cardboard box with a capacity
of 5 kg avocado. Before being put into
a cardboard box, wrapped in tissue paper avocado, then set sususannya with
interspersed insulation made from pieces of cardboard.
10.1 Analysis of Cultivation
Approximate analysis of the avocado
plant cultivation with an area of 1 hectare of land for 10 years in West Java
in 1999.
1) Cost of production
Seedling grafting: 121 rods @ 10,000, -
million, -
o Manure
3 tons @ Rp. 150.000, - / ton USD. 450.000, -
o Urea
Year 1-4, 1936 kg @ Rp. 1.500, - USD. 2.904 million, -
Year 5-10, 9801 kg @ Rp. 1.500, - USD. 14.7015 million, -
Year 1-4, 1936 kg @ Rp. 1.600, - USD. 3.0976 million, -
Year 5-10, 9317 kg @ Rp.1.600, - USD. 14.9072 million, -
o KCl
Year 1-4, 1694 kg @ Rp. 1.650, - USD. 2.7951 million, -
Year 5-10, 11 616 kg @ Rp. 1.650, - USD. 19.1664 million, -
o Pesticides
and fungicides Rp. 240.000, -
o Hoe
Rp. 70.000, -
o Sprayer
Rp. 250.000, -
o Piracy
land and basic fertilizers (wholesale) Rp.
o Watering
15 HOK @ Rp. 7.000, - USD. 105.000, -
o Pruning
4 HOK @ Rp. 7.000, - USD. 28.000, -
o Making
the planting hole 15 HOK @ Rp. 7.000,
- USD. 105.000, -
o Planting
7 HOK @ RP. 7.000, - USD. 49.500, -
o Weeding
20 HOK / year @ Rp. 7.000, - USD. 1.400.000, -
o Fertilization
10 HOK / year @ Rp. 7.000, - USD. 700.000, -
o Plant
protection 4HOK / year @ Rp. 7.000,
- USD. 280.000, -
Harvest and post-harvest
o 4th
year, 18 HOK @ Rp. 7.000, - USD. 126,000, -
o Year-to-5,
22 HOK @ Rp. 7.000, - USD. 154.000, -
o Tahunke-6,
35 HOK @ Rp. 7.000, - USD. 245,000, -
o Tahunke-7,
48 HOK @ Rp. 7.000, - USD. 336,000, -
o Year
8, 48 HOK @ Rp. 7.000, - USD. 336,000, -
o Year-to-9,
48 HOK @ Rp. 7.000, - USD. 336,000, -
o 10th
year, 48HOK @ Rp. 7.000, - USD. 336,000, -
Total production costs in 10 years Rp. 64.8413 million, -
2) Revenue
4th year, 3,300 kg @ Rp. 3.500,
- USD.
million, -
Year 5, 6,500 kg @ Rp. 3.500,
- USD.
million, -
6th year, 9,800 kg @ Rp. 3.500,
- USD.
million, -
7th year, 12,000 kg @ Rp. 3.500,
- USD.
8th year, 12,200 kg @ Rp. 3.500,
- USD.
million, -
9th year, 12,500 kg @ Rp. 3.500,
- USD.
million, -
10th year, 12,500 kg @ Rp. 3.500,
- USD.
million, -
Jumlahpendapatan in 10 years
Rp.240.800.000, -
3) Gain in 10 years Rp.175.958.700, -
Avocado plants derived from seed or
grafting grafting will begin to bear fruit at the age of 4 years with a
production of 3,300 kg / ha. This
production will continue to grow until it reaches stability in year 7 (fourth harvest)
with the amount of average production of 12,000 kg / ha. The new advantages can be obtained in
the second harvest (year 5) and will be stable in the fourth harvest (7th
year). However, the analysis
does not include the cost of land lease.
10.2 Agribusiness Opportunity Overview
Although the advantages of avocado
farming in Indonesia is not so can be felt because management is not intensive,
but due to the rising demand
avocado crops from year to year increase. Avocado business prospects even brighter in connection with the opening of opportunities
market. But unfortunately there are still many areas which are untapped production center, so that trouble getting the fruit is still perceived by
traders, both in the local market as well as exporters.
avocado crops from year to year increase. Avocado business prospects even brighter in connection with the opening of opportunities
market. But unfortunately there are still many areas which are untapped production center, so that trouble getting the fruit is still perceived by
traders, both in the local market as well as exporters.
Avocado is one type of highly
nutritious fruit that is more and more in demand.
is evident from the many avocado demand in the market. For example, a wholesaler requires
avocado 12-20 tonnes / week for retailers in Bogor. In addition to the local market,
overseas markets also managed to penetrate.
first, only Singapore and the Netherlands, then follow Saudi Arabia, France and
Brunei Darussalam. French imports in 1989 as much as 3790
kg with a value of US $ 379, and in 1990 increased to 5,749 kg with a value of
10 876 US $. The price situation at the farm level is relatively varied
compared to the retail level. Price per kilogram at the farm level in the area
of Garut in 1991 ranged between Rp
200, - up to Rp 600, -. Seangkan at the retail level are usually more stable,
and the price could reach USD 700, - to Rp 1.750, - / kg.
The existence of a considerable price difference is partly
because at the retail level higher risk of damage.
Standard production includes: quality requirements, quality
testing method, sampling method and way of packaging.
Adaalah avocado fruit apaokat plants (Persea Americana MILL)
in a state quite old, intact, fresh and clean.
and Quality Standards
Avocados are classified in three different sizes based on
weight, namely:
are great: 451-550 g / fruit
were: 351-450 g / fruit
small: 250-350 g / fruit
Whereas the quality requirements are as follows:
similarity of nature varieties: the quality I uniform; II uniform quality;
organoleptic testing method
rate of aging: the quality I was old but not too ripe; II quality old but not
too ripe; pengijian way organoleptic
normal quality I; II less normal quality; organoleptic testing method
the quality I hard; II hard quality; means testing Appearance
quality I uniform; II less uniform quality; how to test SP-SMP-309-1981
(weight / weight): the quality I max 5%; Quality II 10%; how to test
SP-SMP-310- 1981
(weight / weight): the quality I max 1%; Quality II 2%; how to test
first quality free; Quality II free; organoleptic testing method
Each packaging sampled as much as 3 kg of top, middle and
bottom. Examples are mixed uniformly without causing damage, then
divided by 4 and the two parts are taken diagonally. How this is done several times until it reached 3 kg sample to be analyzed.
divided by 4 and the two parts are taken diagonally. How this is done several times until it reached 3 kg sample to be analyzed.
amount of packaging in the party: 1 to 100, the minimum number of samples taken
amount of packaging in the party: 101 to 300, the minimum number of samples
taken 7.
amount of packaging in the party: 301 to 500, the minimum number of samples
taken 9.
amount of packaging in the party: 501 to 1000, the minimum number of samples
taken 10.
amount of packaging in the party: more than 1000, the minimum number of samples
taken 15.
The sampling officer must qualify that person experienced /
trained in advance and had ties with a legal entity.
11.6. Packaging
Avocado presented in the form of whole and fresh, packaged
in a bamboo basket / other materials that conform with / without insulating
material, covered with woven bamboo / other materials, then tied with a rope
bamboo / other materials. Package contents do not exceed the surface of the
packaging with a maximum net weight of 20 kg.
The outer packaging is labeled that said among other things:
the name of the goods, class size, quality type, region of origin, the name /
code of the company / exporters, heavy
net, the result of Indonesia and places / countries of destination.
net, the result of Indonesia and places / countries of destination.
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Jakarta, February 2000
Source: Management Information System Development in Rural
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