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pineapple cultivation

Written By Unknown on Thursday, July 16, 2015 | Thursday, July 16, 2015

Pineapple is a fruit plants such as shrubs which has the scientific name Ananas comosus. Has a local name danas (Sunda) and Neneh (Sumatra). In English called a pineapple and the Spaniards call pina. Pineapples are from Brazil (South America) which has been domesticated there before the time of Columbus. In the 16th century the Spaniards brought pineapple to the Philippines and Peninsular Malaysia, entered Indonesia in the 15th century, (1599). In Indonesia was at first only as garden plants, and extends dikebunkan in dryland (upland) throughout the archipelago. This plant is now preserved in the tropics and sub-tropics.
Classification of pineapple plants are:
·    Kingdom: Plantae (plants)
o Division: Spermatophyta (seed plants)
§ Class: Angiospermae (seeded closed)
§ Order: Farinosae (Bromeliales)
§ Family: Bromiliaceae
§ Genus: Ananas
§ Species: Ananas comosus (L) Merr
A close relative of the pineapple species quite a lot, especially wild pineapple commonly used as ornamental plants, for example, A. braceteatus (Lindl) Schultes, A. Fritzmuelleri, A. erectifolius LB Smith, and A. ananassoides (Bak) LB Smith. Based on the habitus of plants, especially the shape of the leaves and fruit of the pineapple is known four types of groups, namely: Cayene (smooth leaves, not prickly, large fruit), Queen (short leaves prickly sharp, tapering cone-like fruit), Spain / Spanish (leaves little long, barbed fine to coarse, round fruits with a flat eye) and Abacaxi (long leaves prickly rough, cylindrical fruit or like a pyramid). Pineapple cultivar varieties grown in Indonesia is Cayene group and Queen. Spanish classes are developed in the West Indian islands, Puerta Rico, Mexico and Malaysia. Abacaxi group widely planted in Brazil. Today the range of varieties / cultivars pineapple is categorized excel pineapple Bogor, Subang and Palembang.
The main part of the important economic value is the fruit of pineapple plants. Fresh pineapple fruit is consumed in addition also be processed into various foods and beverages, such as jams, fruit in syrup and others. Pineapple fruit taste sweet to slightly sour fresh, so appreciated by the public at large. In addition, pineapple contains high enough and complete nutrition. Pineapple contains the enzyme bromelain, (enzyme protease that can hydrolyze the protein, protease or peptide), which can be used to soften the meat. These enzymes are often used as a contraceptive family planning. Pineapple fruit beneficial to health, as a cure for constipation disease, urinary tract disorders, nausea, flu, hemorrhoids, and anemia. Diseases of the skin (hives, eczema and scabies) can be treated with pineapple juice smeared. Pineapple fruit skin can be processed into syrup or liquid extracted for livestock feed.
Pineapple planting in the world based in the countries of Brazil, Hawaii, South Africa, Kenya, Ivory Coast, Mexico and Puerta Rico. In Asia pineapple plants grown in countries Thailand, Philippines, Malaysia and Indonesia are in the northern Sumatra, East Java, Riau, South Sumatra and West Java. In the future, so allow other provinces to prioritize the development of pineapple in a larger scale than in previous years. Pineapples harvested area in Indonesia + 165 690 hectares or 25.24% of the target harvest the fruits of national (657,000 acres). The last few years the pineapple plantation area ranks first out of 13 types of commercial fruits grown in Indonesia.
5.1. Climate
1.               Pineapple plants can grow on wet or dry climatic conditions, both climate types A, B, C or D, E, F. Type A climate of the region is very wet, B (wet areas), C (rather wet area), D (area being), E (rather dry area) and F (dry areas).
2.               In general, the pineapple plant is drought tolerant and has a wide range of rainfall around 1000-1500 mm / year. However, pineapple plants are not tolerant of snow due to low temperature.
3.               Pineapple plant can grow well with an average sunlight 33-71% of maximum continuity, with an average annual rate of 2000 hours.
4.               Temperature suitable for the cultivation of pineapple is 23-32 ° C, but it can also live in soil low temperature to 10 ° C.
5.2. Growing Media
1.               In general, almost all types of land used for agriculture suitable for pineapple plants. However, more suitable to the type of soil containing sand, lush, fertile and high in organic matter and low lime content.
2.               A suitable degree of acidity is pH 4.5-6.5. Soil that contains a lot of lime (pH greater than 6.5) causes the plants become stunted and chlorotic. While the acid soil (pH 4.5 or lower) resulting in a decrease in the elements Phosphorus, Potassium, Sulfur, Calcium, Magnesium, and Molibdinum quickly.
3.               Water is needed in the growth of pineapple plants for absorption of nutrients that can be dissolved in it. However, the water content in the soil should not be too much, does not tarnish (pooled). The thing to be concerned is the aeration and drainage must be good, because the plants are submerged would be very susceptible to rot AKAT.
4.               Slope the soil does not have much effect in pineapple cultivation, but pineapple really like if planted in a slightly tilted, so that there is abundant water, so the sooner the soil becomes dry.
5.3. Height Places
Pineapple suitable to be planted at an altitude of 800-1200 m above sea level. The optimum growth of pineapple plants between 100-700 m above sea level.
6.1. Seeding
Pineapple planting success is largely determined by the quality of the seed. Pineapples can be cultivated by means of vegetative and generative. Vegetative means used is the root shoots, stems shoots, fruit buds, fruit crown and stem cuttings. Generative way with seeds grown by nurseries, (rarely used). Good quality seeds must come from plants whose growth is normal, healthy and free of pests and diseases.
1) Requirements for Seeds
Good seed must have leaves that look thick filled, free of pests and diseases are easily available in large quantities, relatively uniform growth and easy to transport, especially for seed stem cuttings. Bud stem and stem cuttings.
2) Preparation of Seed
Pineapple seeds from seed (generative) is rarely used because it requires specialized techniques and some kind of pineapple can not self-pollinating and do not produce seeds. Propagation is vegetative (shoots root) has special characteristics: shoots that grow from the stem which is located in the ground, the number of shoots per clump relatively little root, leaf shape slimmer, adolescence relatively short root buds. Another vegetative means (bud stem) is characterized shoots that grow from the stem and the number of shoots per clump relatively little. Stem buds have characteristics shoots that grow on the fruit stalk beneath the fruit stalk and the stem above the bud, the number of fruit buds per plant relatively large up to 10 buds and bud size of which varies depending on the growth of plants. For vegetative means the crown of fruit characteristics are grown shoots sprout from the eyes of non-active on the stem, then planted in sterile media with special treatment and the number of seeds produced many, uniform, and easy to transport.
Preparation of seed (seed) for the pineapple plant is divided into seedling shoots pineapple stems and seeds from cuttings. Preparation of seedlings sprout stem: choose buds on a tree trunk mains fruiting / after harvest. Good stem shoots are 30-35 cm long. The leaves near the base of trees cut to reduce evaporation and facilitate the transport, then let stand for several days in the shade and the seeds are ready for transport to the planting directly planted immediately.
To prepare pineapple seedlings from cuttings, the first step is to cut the stem dilakuakan pineapple fruit harvested along 2.5 cm, then the pieces cut into 4 sections containing buds. Clean sand media for seedlings planted in a tub. Seedlings produced with 25-35 cm high or revoked 3-5 months old, were planted in the garden. When the seedlings to be transported over long distances, their roots wrapped in moist humus.
Seeds are prepared to be adapted to the growing areas. The ideal plant density ranges between 44000-77000 crop seeds per ha, depending on plant spacing, type of pineapple, soil fertility, cropping systems and types of seeds. Planting with square system (spacing of 150 x 150 cm) requires about 3556 seedlings planted when the land mangkus 80%. Or 12698-15875 planting seedlings on the railway system with a spacing of 60 x 60 cm and the distance between rows right hand / left of the train is 150 cm.
3) Techniques Seeding
Seedbed for pineapple require special treatment. Step in preparing media for seedlings in the nursery tub in the form of flour (eg Rootone) on the surface of the rod hemisphere to accelerate root growth. Parts of the stem at the nursery planted deep tub 1,5 - 2,5 cm and spacing of 5-10 cm. Conditions seedbed media be kept moist and good air circulation, by closing the nursery tub with translucent plastic sheet (clear). Pineapple stem cuttings are left to germinate and take root. The new nursery is medium fertilized with manure prepared. Mixed media in the form of fine soil, sand and manure smooth (1: 1: 1) or fine sand with manure (1: 1). The final step is memindahtanamkan pineapple seedlings from the nursery to nursery enlargement seed germination.
4) Maintenance Nurseries
Maintenance nursery / nursery watering is done regularly maintained so that the condition of the planting medium is always moist and not dry so the seeds do not die. Fertilization is done with manure in the ratio levels have been determined. Thinning and pesticide application can be made ​​if necessary.
5) Transfer of Seed
Transplanting seedlings can be carried out if the seedlings reach a height of 25-30 cm or 3-5 months old.
6.2. Media Processing Plant
1) Preparation
Pineapple planting can be done on dry land or fields. Preparation time and clearing the most good is when the dry season, by removing trees that are not needed. Tillage can be done at the beginning of the rainy season. The degree of acidity of the soil needs to be considered because the pineapple plant can grow well at pH of about 5.5. The amount of seed needed for a field depends on the type of pineapple, soil fertility and ecological growth.
2) Clearing
To open a land, needs to be done: throw away and clean up the trees or rocks from the surrounding agricultural lands to agricultural wastes shelter. Cultivate the land with a hoe / plowed with tractors up to 30-40 cm of loose, because, it can be fatal to the production plant. Allow the soil to be dry for at least 15 days so that the ground is really ripe and ready for planting.
3) Establishment of Beds
Seedbed formation can be performed simultaneously with the processing of land for the second time in accordance with the cropping system used. Map the system simply by way of leveling the ground, and then around him made ​​inlet canal and drainage. Seedbed system is done by making beds-beds 80-120 cm width, the distance between beds 90-150 cm or other variations according to the cropping system. High-mapped or ditch is between 30-40 cm.
4) Liming
The degree of soil acidity suitable for pineapple plants is 4.5-6.5. Liming the soil is done with Calcit or dolomite or lime Zeagro or other material sprinkled evenly distributed manner and mixed with top soil, especially soils that reacts acidic (pH below 4.5). Lime dose adjusted to the pH of the soil, but generally range between 2-4 tonnes / ha. If it does not rain, irrigation is done immediately after liming the soil so quickly dissolves limestone.
5) Fertilization
In pineapple planting is done manure at a dose of 20 tons per hectare. Mode of administration: evenly mixed with topsoil or inserted per planting hole. Also used inorganic fertilizer NPK and urea. Nitrogen (N) is necessary for plant growth, phosphorus is needed for several months at the beginning of growth, while potassium is needed for the development of fruit, especially pineapple. Urea fertilizer use in combination with stimulants flowering.
6.3. Planting Techniques
1) Determination of Planting Pattern
Cropping pattern is setting plant layout and sequence plant species for a certain time, within a year. In pineapple cultivation techniques there are some cropping systems, namely: single line system or a square with a spacing of 150 x 150 cm both within and between rows; 90 x 30 cm spacing in rows 30 cm, and the distance between rows is 90 cm. Two dual line system with a spacing of 60 x 60 cm, and the distance between rows of the left and right of the second row is 150 cm and a spacing of 45 x 30 cm, and the distance between rows of plants left and right of the two rows is 90 cm , Line system triplicate with a spacing of 30 x 30 cm form an equilateral triangle with distances between rows of the left / right of the 3 rows: 90 cm and a spacing of 40 x 30 cm with the distance between rows of the left / right of the third row is 90 cm and sisitem line quadruplicate with a distance of 30 x 30 cm and the distance between rows of the left / right of four rows of 90 cm.
2) Hole Making Plant
Making the planting holes at a spacing which is chosen according to the cropping system. Planting hole size: 30 x 30 x 30 cm. To make planting hole used hoes, drill or other tool.
3) How Planting
Planting is best done at the beginning of the rainy season. The steps are performed:
1.               make the planting hole according to the distance and cropping systems chosen;
2.               take a good, healthy pineapple seedlings and planted seedlings in the planting hole provided each one seedling per planting hole;
3.               soil pressed / compacted around the base of the stem of pineapple seedlings that are not easily collapsed and plant roots can direct contact with groundwater;
4.               watering until the soil is moist and wet;
5.               pineapple planting should not be too deep, the base of the stems 3-5 cm buried in the ground so that the seeds nonperishable.
6.4. Plant Maintenance
1) Spacing and Stitching
Pineapple thinning was not done because of the pineapple plant-specific and not shaped trees. Pineapple replanting activities is required, since ceding-ceding pineapple seedlings do not grow because of a technical error or the planting of seedlings factors.
2) Weeding
Weeding is necessary to clean the pineapple gardens of weeds and weed competitors pineapple plants in terms of the need for water, nutrients and sunlight. Weeds often become a den of diseases. Time weeding depends on the growth of weeds in the garden, but to save the cost of weeding done in conjunction with fertilization.
Weeding is done by way of weeding by hand / kored / hoe. Digemburkan seedbed soil around the base of the stem and ditimbunkan pineapple to form the ridges.
3) Pembubunan
Pembubunan required in planting pineapple, performed at the edge of the embankment which is often landslides when irrigated. Pembubunan should take the soil from a ditch or trench around the beds, so that beds be taller and trenches become deeper, so the drainage becomes normal again. Pembubunan serves to improve soil structure and root out the soil surface covered pineapple plant stand back so strong.
4) Fertilization
Fertilization is done after 2-3 months old plants with artificial fertilizers. Fertilization subsequent aftershocks repeated every 3-4 months until the plants flowering and fruiting. The type and dosage of fertilizer used are:
1.               a) NPK Fertilizer tablets (Pamafert)
1.               The composition of the content of N-P2O5-K2O-MgO-CaO is 17-8-12-0-2 + micro
2.               Form of fertilizer in the form of tablets, weighing 4 grams each tablet
3.               Dosage recommended by one tablet each plant
2.               Single fertilizer in the form of a mixture of ZA, TSP, or SP-36 and KCl
1.               Recommended dosage 1: ZA 100 kg + TSP or SP-36 60 kg + 50 kg KCl per hectare. Fertilizer aftershocks repeated every 4 months with the same dose.
2.               Recommended dosage of 2: from the age of 3 months after planting ZA fertilized with 125 kg or 62.5 kg urea + TSP or SP-36 75 kg / ha. At the age of 6 months fostered enclosure 10 tons / ha.
How to fertilizer embedded / incorporated into the ditches of 10-15 cm between rows of pineapple, then cover with soil. Another way: sprayed on the leaves, especially nitrogen fertilizer at a dose of 40 grams per liter urea or urea solution ± 900 liters per hectare.
5) Irrigation and Watering
Even pineapple plants resistant to dry climates, but for optimal plant growth needed yan enough water. Watering / watering is done 1-2 times a week or depending on weather conditions. Grown pineapple plants still need water to stimulate flowering and fruiting optimally. Watering is done 2 weeks. Soil that is too dry can cause stunted growth and fruit pineapple into small pieces. The best watering time is late afternoon and early morning using a spraying machine or embrat.
7.1. Pest
1.               Activator fruit (Thecla Basilides Geyer)
o Feature: butterfly brown and female butterflies lay their eggs on the surface of the fruit, then hatch into larvae; larval form in the upper body convex, flat bottom and a body covered in fine hairs short.
o Symptoms: attack fruit by way of broaching / pierce flesh; pineapple fruit is hollow and pests attacked sap, then rot because fungi or bacteria attack followed.
o Control:
1.               non-chemically by keeping the garden and dispose of plant pests;
2.               chemically by spraying insecticides mangkus and sangkil, such Basudin Thiodan 60 EC or 35 EC at the recommended concentration.
2.               Beetle (Carpophilus hemipterus L.)
o Feature: in the form of small beetles, berwarma brown / black; yellowish-white larvae, thin-haired, slender-legged shape 6.
o Symptoms: attacking the pineapple plant gluka so sticky and foul by other microorganisms (fungi and bacteria).
o Control: is done by keeping the gardens and the provision of insecticide.
3.               Fruit fly (Atherigona sp.)
o Feature: small flies, lay eggs on the scar of the fruit, then into white larvae.
o Symptoms: damage / eat the flesh of the fruit, causing soft rot.
o Control:
1.               non-chemically by keeping the garden, throwing pieces of fruit flies are attacked;
2.               chemically by spraying insecticides mangkus and sangkil, as Thiodan 35 EC or Basudin EC at the recommended concentration.
4.               Thrips (Holopothrips ananasi Da Costa Lima)
o Feature: Thrips are very small body length of about 1.5 mm, brown, and big eyes.
o Symptoms: attack plants by sucking leaf cell fluids causing flecks of silver; at a rate of severe attacks cause stunted growth of young plants.
o Control:
1.               non chemical can be done by keeping the gardens and reduce the range of host plants;
2.               (2) is chemically done by spraying insecticides: Mitac 200 EC or Dicarol 25 SP at the recommended concentration.
5.               Scales (Diaspis bromeliae Kerne)
o Feature: Insects are small diameter ± 2.5 mm, round and flat, yellowish white / grayish, clustered cover fruit and leaves, causing small fruit size and plant growth is inhibited.
o Control: can be sprayed with insecticide Decis 2.5 EC or Curacron 500 EC at the recommended concentration.
6.               Caterpillar fruit (Tmolus echinon L)
o Feature: Insect young / adult form of the butterfly is brown and larva / caterpillar covered with fine hair and a small head.
o Symptoms: attacking pineapple by way of broaching and make holes that cause cavities fruit, cut fruit gummy and most heavily infected plant parts.
o Control is done by collecting / kill caterpillars mechanically, as well as spraying insecticides: Buldok Thiodan 25 EC or 35 EC at the recommended concentration
7.               Other pests: termites, rodents, nematodes, root nodules and orange flour mite also sometimes attack the pineapple plant.
7.2. Disease
1.               Heart rot and root rot
o Cause: The fungus Phytophthora parasitica Waterh and P. cinnamomi Rands. Heart rot disease called hearth rot, while the so-called root rot root rot. The spread of disease assisted assortment of host plants, flowing water, agricultural tools, high rainfall, soil containing organic matter and high soil moisture between 25-35 degrees C.
o Symptoms: the leaves change color to green mottled yellow and ujungnya.nekrotis; young leaves easily pull the base with the stench of rotting brown, and eventually the plant dies; decay on the root system.
o Control:
1.               non chemically done by improving soil drainage, reduce moisture around the garden, and cut / revoked
diseased plants;
2.               chemically by immersion in a solution of fungicide seed before planting, such as Dithane M-45 or Benlate.
2.               Root rot
o Cause: The fungus Thielaviopsis paradoxa (de Seyn) Hohn or Ceratocystis paradoxa (Dade) C. Moreu. The disease is often called the base rot. The spread of the disease helped host plant, the mechanical injuries on the plant, wind, rain and soil.
o Symptoms: at the base of the stems, leaves, fruits and seeds show symptoms of soft rot brown or black, distinctive smell, or
patches of yellowish white.
o Control:
1.               non-chemically by seed storage while before tanamn that wounds heal faster, planting seedlings in dry weather, and avoid mechanical injuries;
2.               chemically by soaking the seeds in a solution of fungicide Benlate.
3.               Other Diseases
o Disease is rotten cork spots on the fruit caused by fungi Pinicillium funiculosum Thom, rotten seeds by the fungus Pythium sp., Withered and yellow spots by a virus that is not known for certain species.
o Control: must be done in an integrated manner, including the use of healthy seeds, improved farming techniques intensive culture, cutting / revocation and destruction of diseased plants.
7.3. Weeds
Pineapple production decline can be caused by many and the dominance of weeds because mulching is not good so lush grass growth.
8.1. Characteristics and Harvest
Pineapple fruit harvesting is done after pineapple aged 12-24 months, depending on the type of seed used. Seedlings are derived from the petals bear fruit at the age of 24 months, until harvest fruit after the age of 24 months. Plants that originate from stem buds harvested after the age of 18 months, whereas the root buds after the age of 12 months. The characteristics of the pineapple fruit ready for harvest:
1.               Crown open fruit.
2.               Change shriveled stalks.
3.               Eyes more fruit horizontal, large and round shape.
4.               The color of the bottom of the yellow fruit.
5.               Arising fragrant aroma and distinctive pineapple.
8.2. How to Harvest
The procedure for harvesting pineapple: pick pineapple showing signs ready for harvest. The base of the fruit stalk is cut horizontally / tilt with a sharp knife and sterilized. Harvesting is done carefully to prevent damage and bruising.
8.3. Harvest Period
Pineapple crops harvested after 12-24 months old. Pineapple fruit harvesting is done gradually up to three times. The first harvest of about 25%, second 50%, and the third 25% of the existing number. Plants that have been aged 4-5 years need to be rejuvenated because of slow growth and small fruit. How to rejuvenate is to dismantle the entire pineapple plants to be replaced with new seedlings. Land preparation to planting as how to grow crops on new land.
8.4. Production Forecast
Potential production per hectare in intensive crops cultivated pineapple can reach 38-75 tonnes / hectare. In general, an average of 20 tonnes / hectare, depending on the type of pineapple and cropping systems.
9. Postharvest
Pineapple fruit including fruit perishable commodities, shrinkage and fast decay. Therefore, after harvesting requires adequate postharvest handling.
9.1. Collection
After harvest fruit gathering place of shelter or warehouse sorting results.
9.2. Sorting and Classification
Sorting activities initiated by separating fruit damaged, bruised, foul, or the crude independently of fruit nice and normal. Fruit classification based on uniform shape and size, the type and level of maturity.
9.3. Storage
Storage is done if the price falls, so to wait for prices to rise so do storage. Pineapple fruit is usually stored in containers in a cold room where the temperature is about 5 ° C.
9.4. Packaging and Transportation
Packaging activities began with the issuing of the closet ripening pineapple fruit, then selected (sorting) based on the level of damage that uniform. Then pineapple wrapped in wrapping paper and packed in bamboo baskets or wooden crates or cardboard corrugated box. Packaging container size 60 x 30 x 30 cm by the ventilation holes. Transport process begins by entering the container regularly on transportation equipment, pineapple transported and marketed to place marketing.
10.1. Analysis of Cultivation
Approximate analysis pineapple cultivation with an area of 1 hectare of land in West Java in 1999 are as follows:
1.               Production cost
1.               Rental value of land per year Rp. 2.500.000, -
2.               Sprayer and agricultural equipment Rp. 600.000, -
3.               45,000 seedlings stem @ Rp. 150, - USD. 6.75 million, -
4.               Fertilizer
§ Manure 20 tons @ RP. 150.000, - Rp. 3.000.000, -
§ ZA 300 kg @ Rp. 1.250, - USD. 375.000, -
§ TSP (SP-36) to 200 kg @ Rp. 1.800, - USD. 360.000, -
§ KCl 150 Kg @ Rp. 1.650, - USD. 247 500, -
5.               Pesticides Rp. 400.000, -
6.               Tillage wholesale Rp. 1.500.000, -
7.               Fertilizing and planting 10 HKP @ Rp.7.000, - HKW +100 Rp. 570.000, -
8.               Plant maintenance 200 HKW @ RP. 5000, - HKP +20 Rp. 1.14 million, -
9.               Harvest and post-harvest HKW +10 100 HKP Rp. 570.000, -
10.           Other costs (not unexpected 10%) Rp. 1.80125 million, -
o Total production cost Rp. 19.81375 million, -
2.               Sales revenue and profit (profit)
1.               Production year 1: 75% x 45,000 x Rp 750, - / fruit Rp. 25.3125 million, -
2.               Production costs year 1 USD. 19.81375 million, -
3.               Year-to-1 advantage Rp. 5.49875 million, -
4.               Production Year 2: 80% x 45,000 x Rp. 750, - / fruit Rp. 27,000,000, -
5.               Calculated production costs without seeds and agricultural tools Year 2 USD. 12.46375 million, -
6.               Advantages of the 2nd Rp. 7,350,000, -
3.               Parameter feasibility 1. B / C ratio = 1.28
10.2. Agribusiness Opportunity Overview
Prospects commodity pineapple fruit is very large, especially when the pineapple is processed into canned foods such as pineapple jam, syrup and pineapple syrup pineapple skin. Pineapple cannery has been a lot in the wake, diantarnya conducted by PT Great Giant Pineapple in Lampung. Export destinations are France, Germany, and the United States. Although the pineapple producing regions already spread evenly, Indonesia until now only able to export a small part of the needs of the world, 5%. Yet according to projections, pineapple world needs in 1996 will rise by 5% of the world today. So it is necessary to meet the needs of a very large pineapple supply. Of course this will be a good prospect for Indonesia. Things that need to be observed is the export of pineapple Indonesia increased in the last 10 years. Indonesia's exports in 1987 amounted to 26 952 tons increased to 83 997 tonnes in 1996. In terms of value, exports of Indonesia in 1987 amounted to US $ 60,766 thousand in 1996. As for imports pineapple Indonesia have increased but in small quantities. Pineapple imports increased from 0.16 tons in 1987, increased to 10.36 tons in 1995. In this era of globalization, the opportunities are wide open world markets for all commodities. Likewise commodity pineapple large enough opportunities to enter the world market either in fresh form or in the form of canned fruit. Countries in Southeast Asia is a major exporter of pineapple world. Thailand is the largest exporter in 1995, which is approximately 39% of the world's pineapple exports.
11.1. Scope
These standards include quality requirements, test methods, sampling method and way of packaging pineapple.
11.2. Description
Pineapple fruit quality standards in accordance with the Indonesian National Standard SNI 01-3166- 1992.
11.3. Classification and Quality Standards
Pineapples are classified into two types of quality, namely the quality I and II.
1.               Similarity varientas properties: the quality I = uniforms; Quality II = uniforms; organoleptic test method.
2.               The rate of aging: the quality I = old, not overcooked and not soft; Quality II = old, not overcooked and not soft; organoleptic test method.
3.               Violence: the quality I = hard, quality II = hard; organoleptic test method.
4.               Size: I = a uniform quality, diameter min. 9.5 cm; II = less uniform quality; how to test SP-SMP-309-1981.
5.               Hilt: the quality I = binoculars neat; II = neat quality binoculars; organoleptic test method.
6.               Crown: the quality I = one, intact tidy, normal size; II = not required quality; organoleptic test method.
7.               Damage (%): quality of the I = maximum of 5; Maximum quality II = 10; how to test SP-SMP-310- 1981.
8.               Foul (%): maximum quality I = 1; Maximum quality II = 2; how to test SP-SMP-311-1981.
9.               The levels of total dissolved solids (%): quality of the I = minimum 12; Quality II = minimum 12; how to test SP-SMP-321-1981
10.           Dirt: the quality I = free of dirt; Quality II = free of dirt; organoleptic test method.
11.4. Sampling
1) The products in the bundle / package
Samples are taken at random from the amount of packaging as shown below. Of each packaging / bonding sampled as many as 5 pieces of pineapple, from the top, middle and bottom. These examples were randomized stratified (stratified random sampling) to obtain a minimum of 5 pieces for analysis.
1.               Total bond / packaging in the party is up to 100: the number of sample 5
2.               Total bond / packaging in the party is 101 to 300: the number of examples 7
3.               Total bond / packaging in the party is 301 to 500: the number of instances 9
4.               Total bond / packaging in the party was 501 to 20: number of samples 10
5.               Total bond / packaging within the party is more than 1000: the number of instances 15 (min)
Note: For testing of damage and decay, the amount of the final sample of 100 pieces. Testing can be done in the field.
2) The products in bulk (in bulk)
At least 5 sample taken at random according to the amount of total weight as shown below. These examples are taken from the top, middle and bawahserta various angles mixed, then stratified randomized (stratified random sampling) to obtain a minimum of 10 kg to be analyzed. In terms of weight pineapple sampled more than 2 kg / pieces, each sampling at least consists of 5 pieces of pineapple.
1.               Total weight of the lot s / d 200 kg weight: minimum sample taken 10 kg
2.               201 s / d 500 kg weight: minimum sample taken 20 kg
3.               501 s / d 1000 kg weight: minimum sample taken 30 kg
4.               1001 s / d 5000 kg weight: minimum sample taken 60 kg
5.               More than 5000 kg weight: minimum sample taken 100 kg
Note: For testing of damage and decay, the amount of the final sample of 100 pieces. Testing can be done in the field. The sampling officer must qualify that people who have experienced or trained in advance and had ties with a legal entity.
11.5. Packaging
Pineapple packed in bamboo baskets, wooden crates or cardboard with or without disease with a maximum net weight of 40 kg. Or tied with ropes, each bond consists of a maximum of 10 pieces of pineapple. Branding for pineapples are packed in containers on the outside of the packaging is labeled that reads:
1.               Name of goods.
2.               Kind of quality.
3.               Name / code of the company / exporters.
4.               Net weight.
5.               Number of pineapple / packaging.
6.               Place of Origin.
7.               Indonesian production.
8.               Place / country of destination.
1.               AAK. 1998. Planting Fruit Trees. Canisius. Yogyakarta
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Source: Management Information System Development in Rural Areas, BAPPENAS

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