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cultivation bark

Written By Unknown on Saturday, July 18, 2015 | Saturday, July 18, 2015

Plant bark is one of the preferred fruit crops and has good prospects for exploitation. Her area of origin is not clear, but is thought of Thailand, Malaysia and Indonesia. There are also saying that the plant (Salacca edulis) from the island of Java. In the colonial period bark seeds brought by merchants to spread throughout Indonesia, even to the Philippines, Malaysia, Brunei and Thailand.
In this world known to bark wildly, like Salacca dransfieldiana JP Mo-gea; S. magnifera JP Mogea; S. minuta; S. and S. multiflora romosiana. In addition to the wild barking, barking wildly still known more as Salacca rumphili Wallich ex. Blume also called S. wallichiana, C. Martus called rakum / kumbar (popular in Thailand) as the maker of fresh sour cuisine. This kumbar not prickly, flowers married 2 (dioeciious). Salak including the family: Palmae (palm-paleman), monocots, long leaves with a strong major veins such as the coconut is called a stick. All parts of the leaves are prickly sharp short trunk, eventually rising to 3 m or more, finally collapsed are not capable of carrying a load too heavy leaf crown (not comparable with a small trunk). Many varieties of bark that can grow in global. There are still young is already sweet, yielding varieties that have been released by the government to be developed are: pondoh, swaru, Nglumut, Enrekang, rock sugar (Bali), and others. Actually kind of barked in Indonesia there are 3 striking differences, namely: Java bark Salacca zalacca (Gaertner) Voss are seeded 2-3 grain, bark Bali Slacca amboinensis (Becc) were seeded Mogea 1- 2 eggs, and Mulberry bark Salacca sumatrana (Becc) fleshy red. Types of bark that have a high commercial value.
Fruits only eaten fresh or made ​​preserves and pickles. At this time candied bark is made ​​with the skin, unpeeled. The trunk can not be used for building materials or firewood. Ripe fruit presented as a table fruit. Fresh fruit is usually traded in bunches or have been removed (petilan). Fruits are picked at month 4 or 5 is usually to be made ​​sweets.
Barking plant widely available in Jakarta, West Java, Central Java, Yogyakarta, East Java, North Sumatra, North Sulawesi, South Sulawesi, Maluku, Bali, NTB and West Kalimantan.
5.1. Climate
1.               Ssalak appropriate plant when grown in the area of climate berzona Aa bcd, Babc and Cbc. A higher mean number of wet months (11-12 months / years), B: 8-10 months / year and C: 5-7 months / year.
2.               Salak will grow well in areas with an average rainfall of 200-400 mm per year / month. Rainfall monthly average of more than 100 mm is considered in the wet months. Means the bark requires a degree of wetness or high humidity.
3.               Barked plants can not tolerate full sun (100%), but sufficient 50-70%, because it is necessary to plant shade.
4.               The best temperature is between 20-30 ° C. Salak require high humidity, but not stand waterlogging.
5.2. Ground
1.               Barked plants like fertile soil, loose and moist.
2.               The degree of soil acidity (pH) suitable for cultivation bark is 4.5 to 7.5.
Garden bark can not stand waterlogging. For growth requires high humidity.
5.3. Height Places
Bark plants grow at altitude of 100-500 m above sea level.
6.1. Seeding
One factor to consider in seeking barking plant is the use of quality seeds and quality. Barking plant is an annual plant, because it is an error in the use of the seeds will be bad in pengusahaannya, although treated good technical culture will not give the desired results, so the issued capital will not be back because of the losses in the agricultural business. To avoid such problems, there should be a good way of breeding bark. Nurseries bark can be derived from the seeds (generative) or of tillers (vegetative). Generative nursery is a nursery by using good seed obtained from parent trees that have good qualities, namely: rapid fruiting, fruit throughout the year, the result of many fruits and uniform, good plant growth, resistance to pests and diseases as well as environmental influences less favorable.
Profit generative seed multiplication:
1.               can be done easily and cheaply
2.               obtained the seeds that many
3.               The resulting plants grow healthier and live longer
4.               to transport grain and seed storage easier
5.               The resulting plants have strong roots so that the lodging resistance and drought
6.               enabling improvements nature held in the form of a cross.
Disadvantages generative propagation:
1.               the quality of the fruit produced is not exactly the same as the parent tree as possible cross-pollination
2.               rather difficult to know whether the seeds produced male or female.
1.               Seed Requirements: To get a good seed to do the selection of seeds that will be used as seed. The terms of seeds that will be used as seed:
1.               Seeds derived from parent trees that qualify.
2.               Fruit seeds must be taken in the quotation at the time of age.
3.               Have the ability to grow a minimum of 85%.
4.               Large grain size uniform and not disabled.
5.               Healthy seeds not attacked by pests and diseases.
6.               Seed pure and not mixed with other debris.
2.               Preparation of Seeds
1.               Seeds from Seed:
1.               Seeds bark is cleaned from the remnants of flesh still attached.
2.               Soak in water for 24 hours, then washed.
2.               Seedlings of Puppies:
1.               Choose a good chicks and comes from a good parent
2.               Prepare pieces of bamboo, then filled with soil media
3.               Seeding Technique Seed
1.               Seeds from Seed:
1.               Bark beans that have been soaked and washed, enter into a perforated plastic bag (wet jute sacks), then put in the shade and moist until germination aged 20-30 days
2.               One month later given Urea, TSP and KCl, respectively 5 grams, every 2-3 weeks
3.               So that the humidity up, do the watering every day
2.               Seedlings from the nursery saplings with wooden tub:
1.               Create a wooden tub with a height of 25 cm, width and length tailored to the needs
2.               Filled with loose fertile soil and 15-20 cm thick
3.               Above ground sand 5-10 cm thick diiisi
4.               Directions South North nursery and given shade overlooking the East
5.               Seeds are soaked in a solution of hormones such as Atonik for 1 hour, solution concentration 0.01-0.02 cc / liter of water
6.               Planting seeds in the nursery tub with a distance of 10 x 10 cm
7.               Directions seeds embedded in an upright position, tilt / fall with buds under
4.               Maintenance Nurseries / Seeding: For breeding of seeds, seeding media is polybag with size 20 x 25 cm were filled with soil mix manure with a ratio of 2: 1. After the seeds or sprouts new age of 20-30 days the seedlings were transferred to polybags. Nursery with seedlings system, bamboo seedling is placed just below the bark, then watered every day. After 1 month of the roots have grown and puppies separated from its mother, then planted in polybags. Urea, TSP, KCl was given one month as much as 1 teaspoon.
5.               Displacement Seed: For seeds from seed, seedling bark after a 4 month old recently moved into agricultural land. For the nursery of saplings, after 6 months of the new seedlings can be moved to the field.
6.2. Land processing
1.               Preparation: Determination of the plantation area to bark must take into account the ease of transportation and water resources.
2.               Clearing:
1.               Dismantling the plant is not needed and turn off the reeds and eliminate weeds and shrubs from planting areas.
2.               Plowing the soil to remove soil that is too big chunk.
6.3. Planting Techniques
1.               Hole Making Plant: Planting hole is made ​​with a size of 30 x 30 x 30 cm with a spacing of 1 x 4 m; 2 x 2 m or 1.5 x 2.5 m. The size of the holes can also be made ​​of 50 x 50 x 40 cm, the distance between the 2 x 4 m or 3 x 4 m. Each hole manure which has become as much as 10 kg.
2.               Planting: Seeds are planted directly into the hole as much as 3- 4 seeds per hole. A month later the seeds start to grow
3.               Other: To avoid full sun, barking plant grown under shade plants such as coconut, durian, lamptoro and so on. If the land is still no shade plants, can be planted as a shade plant as banana plants. Distance planting shade trees adjusted according to the size of the area planted with coconut canopy eg 10 x 10 m spacing, durian 12 x 12 m and lamtoro 12 x 12 m.
6.4. Plant Maintenance
After completion of planting, plant bark needs to be maintained properly and regularly in order to obtain a good kebin production and productive. Maintenance is carried out until the end of the production plant bark.
1.               Spacing and Stitching: To obtain large-sized pieces, then when the bunches have already started meeting needs thinning. Thinning usually performed at month 4 or 5. Stitching performed on young plants or newly planted, but die or their growth is less good or a dwarf, or for example, too many plants females. For the purposes of replanting we need to plant a backup (usually needs to be provided 10%) of the total, the rest with other crops. The beginning of the rainy season is very appropriate to do stitching. Plants reserves transferred by way of rotation, which included most of the land area covered roots. When dismantle the plant, as well as the base of our soil with plastic wrap so that roots in the inside is protected from damage, done with caution.
2.               Weeding: Weeding is throwing and memebersihan weeds or other invasive plant that grows in the garden barking. Weeds are prevalent in call these weeds if not eradicated would be a competitor for plant bark in getting the nutrients and water. The first weeding is done when the plants are 2 months old after the seeds are planted, the next weeding is done every 3 months to a year old plant. After the weeding is done every 6 months or 2 times a year, conducted at the beginning and end of the rainy season.
3.               Pembubunan: While performing weeding, tilling and Pembumbunan also conducted soil to plant staple bark. This is done to save on labor costs as well as to the efficiency of the treatment. Digemburkan soil dug to form mounds or bumbunan that serves to strengthen the roots and stem bark of plants in place. Bumbunan not to damage the existing trench.
4.               Perempalan and Pruning: The leaves are old and not useful should be trimmed. Also leaves that are too dense or damaged attacked by pests. Buds are too many to be thinned, especially approaching the moment fruiting plants (perempalan). With pruning, hedge bark so that the garden is not too dense humid and stuffy due to substandard air circulation improved. Pruning also helps the spread of food in order not only to leaf or vegetative parts, but also to flowers, fruit or generative part in a balanced way.
Pruning is done every two months, but at the time nearing flowering or fruiting pruning we do more often, namely 1 month 1 kali.Apabila in clumps there are some puppies bark, do tillers reduction ahead of fruiting plants. One clump barked enough we keep 1 or 2 tillers. Maximum number of tillers 3-4 pieces in one clump. When more of the puppies will disrupt plant productivity. Pruning leaves bark should arrive at the base pelepahnya. Do not just cut in half or partially leaves, because the part that is left is already no use for plants. Pruning at the time of harvest should be fixed through dilakuakan. Crop tool should use a sharp machete or chainsaw. Pruning is carried out at the appropriate time and manner will help the plants grow well and optimally.
5.               Fertilization: All materials are given to plants with the intention to provide additional nutrients to improve the growth and production of crops is called fertilizer. There fertilizer provided through the root zone of the plant (root fertilizer). Fertilizer applied by spraying through the leaves of the plants (foliar fertilizer). There are 2 kinds of fertilizer types: organic and inorganic fertilizers. Organic fertilizer is manure, green manure, compost, plant ash, blood meal and so on. Inorganic fertilizers are: Ure, TSP, Kcl, ZA, NPK Hidrasil, Gandasil, Super Phosphate, Bay folan, Green Zit, and so on. Organic fertilizers are often given to the plant bark is manure. Age of plants:
1.               0-12 months (1 x month): Manure 1000, 5 grams of Urea, TSP 5 grams, 5 grams KCl.
2.               12-24 months (1 x 2 months): 10 grams Urea, TSP 10 grams, 10 grams KCl.
3.               24-36 months (1 x 3 months): Urea 15 grams, 15 grams TSP, KCl 15 grams.
4.               36-dst (1 x 6 months): Urea 20 grams, 20 grams TSP, KCl 20 grams.
6.               Irrigation and Watering: Rainwater is a natural spray for plants, but it is difficult to regulate rainwater in order to comply with the required plant. Rainwater will largely be lost through evaporation, percolation and runoff. A small fraction retained in the root zone, the remaining water is often not meet the needs of the plant. In the cultivation of bark, during growth, the need for water to be fulfilled, for that we need to give the water to the time, manner and amount as appropriate.
7.               Other maintenance: Once planted in the garden we make sustainer of bamboo or wood to keep the plant does not collapse.
7.1. Pest
1.               Ticks wool / white (Cerataphis sp.): These pests hiding on the sidelines of the fruit.
2.               Bud weevil (Omotemnus sp ..)
3.               Stem weevil:
o Attacking the leaf tips of young (the youngest), then will go into the trunk. This does not cause the death of the plant, but it will grow saplings that many in the trunk.
o Control: turned off or by dripping a solution of insecticide (Diazenon) at a dose of 2 cc per liter at the end of the affected leaves or by spraying. In this case attempted insecticide can go into the former digerek hole. Insert the wire ends that taper into the hole created by the pest beetles.
4.               Wild boar, squirrels, rats and mongoose
o Control:
1.               to eradicate wild boar, held by a special shooting, or fence in the garden barking with bark-bark meeting males. It would be better if the garden barking fence with barbed wire;
2.               to eradicate rats, used Zink phosphit, klerat and others;
3.               to eradicate Luwak and squirrels, can be used bait bananas which entered Furadan 3 G. The trick: banana split, approximately 0.5 grams of Furadan put into it, then bananas are sewn and used as bait.
7.2. Disease
1.               A disease that often attacks the bark is white fungus countrymen,
o Symptoms: rotten fruit. The fruit of this disease so the quality is declining, due to skin color barking so unappealing.
o Control: reduced soil moisture, which reduces the protective trees.
2.               Black stain:
o Cause: The fungus Pestalotia sp.
o Symptoms: presence-bercakhitam spots on the leaves bark.
3.               Red rot (pink):
o Cause: The fungus Corticium salmonicolor.
o Symptoms: the decay in fruits and stems.
o Control: Diseased and affected leaves should be cut and burned in a certain place.
7.3. Weeds
In some places in Java, barking land built on a former rice field. So that the automatic weed the garden is ruled weeds commonly found in rice fields. Due to the unusual wetland drained stagnant water and soil dibumbun the weeds that survived is the narrow-leaved weeds and growing creeper that very few are in the fields. Weed thin trunked upright, leafy length in rice fields generally are less able to survive. That is why the weeds in paddy land formerly used relatively less. Dikored control or manually by hoeing was already adequate. Chemical weeding in gardens bark commonly implemented yet. For land that is not how large, the farmers are still using manual method (pulling grass by hand, dikored or hoeing). When the bark is quite spacious land, as well as newly opened, weeds and there are certainly a lot of hard eradicated only by means of the manual. For such situations need to use herbicides, because labor costs are relatively low and the results more quickly. A chemical reaction in the killing of wild plants is also very fast. Herbicides have a negative pengruh, because they contain toxins that can harm other living beings including animals and humans. Herbicides to be used need to be in accordance with the types of weeds to be eradicated. Less appropriate choice would be a waste of costs. Weeds from the class of grasses can be eradicated with the herbicide Gramoxone, Gesapas, Basta or Diuron. From the class of puzzle-tekian can be eradicated with Goal. The weeds can be eradicated with Round-up or Sun-ups. While the broad-leafed plants can be overcome by Fernimine. There is also a herbicide that can eradicate some types of weeds.
Good quality fruits obtained when harvesting is done at a good level of maturity. Fruits were not ripe, when collected will feel sepet and not sweet. Then harvesting picking dengancara select, where lies the difficulty. So we have to really know the fruits that are old but not yet ripe.
1.               Characteristics and Harvest: The fruit can be harvested when mature bark right in the tree, usually aged 6 months after bloom (anthesis). It is characterized by scales that have rarely, skin color dark red or yellow fruit old, and feathers have been lost. End of the rind (the tapered part of the fruit) feels soft when pressed. Signs of old fruit, according to other sources are: the color shiny (smooth), when plucked easily separated from the stem bark of fruit and flavorful.
2.               How to Harvest How to harvest: because the ripe fruits are not in unison, then the quotation chosen. To consider in picking whether the fruits will be stored longer or be eaten immediately. If stored longer picking will be done at the time of the old fruits (Java: gemadung), so do not be too old dipohon. Masir fruits are not durable stored. Fruit harvesting is done by cutting the stalks clusters.
3.               Harvest Period: Plants barking in the harvest time there are 4 seasons:
1.               Harvest in November, December and January
2.               Harvest was in May, June and July
3.               Small harvest in the months of February, March and April.
4.               Blank period / breaks in the months of August, September and October. When in these months there are fruits so-called fruit slandren. According to another source a large harvest of fruits is between the months of October to January.
4.               Production Forecast: In the cultivation of bark, the results can be achieved in one growing season is 15 tonnes per hectare.
9. Postharvest
As with other fruits, fruits are easily damaged and not durable. Damage is characterized by a foul odor and flesh becomes flabby and brownish. Once picked fruits still continue the process of life in the form of physiological processes (changes in color, breathing, biochemical processes and functional overhaul with the spoilage by microorganisms). So that the fruits can not be stored longer in a fresh state, it would require post-harvest handling.
9.1. Collection: Warehouse serves as a receiver collecting fruits from farmers or the garden. In this collection sheds done: sorting, grading and packaging.
9.2. Sorting and classification: Sorting / selection aims to pick good fruit, not disabled, and the worth of exports. uga aims to clean up the fruits of various materials as useless as stalks, twigs and dirt. These materials are cut with a knife, sickle, sharp pruning shears does not rust so that does not cause damage to the fruit. Grading / classification aims to:
1.               gets the fruit of uniform (size and quality)
2.               facilitate the preparation in the container / crate / container tool
3.               get a higher price
4.               stimulates interest to buy
5.               so the calculation is easier
6.               for estimating temporary income.
This classification can be based on: a heavy, large, shape, form, color, style, free of disease and whether there is any defect / wound. All that was added to the class and faction alone.
1.               Salak quality of AA (really super, yellow, 1kg = 12 pieces)
2.               Salak quality AB (not too big, not too small, and healthy)
3.               Salak quality C (for sweets, 1kg = 25-30 pieces)
4.               Salak quality BS (rotten or broken 1/2), not sold.
9.3. Packaging and Transportation
The purpose of packaging is to protect fruits from damage, ease in preparation, both in transport and in storage sheds and to simplify the calculation. There packaging for fresh fruit and for candied bark. Packaging for fresh fruit:
1.               The packaging must be perforated tool
2.               must be strong, so that fruits shielded from outside pressure
3.               can be transported easily
4.               The packaging size should be adjusted by the amount of fruit.
Packaging for candied bark: packed in tightly closed cans that have dipastursasi so that all microbes such as fungi, yeasts, bacteria and enzymes can die and will not cause the process of decay. To candied dried, generally packed in plastic. Freight is an important link in the handling, storage and distribution of fruits. The terms of transport for fruits:
1.               a) Transportation must be done quickly and accurately.
2.               b) Packaging and transport of appropriate conditions to ensure the preservation of a high quality.
3.               d) Hopes for a considerable profit by using transport facilities were adequate.
10.1 Analysis of Cultivation
Forecast analysis, cultivation of bark with a land area of 1 ha during the production period of 5 years in West Java in 1999.
1.               Production cost
1.               Seed
§ 2,000 seedlings barked trees / ha @ Rp 15.000, - USD. 30.000.000, -
2.               Fertilizer
§ Manure 20 tons @ Rp. 150.000, - Rp. 3.000.000, -
§ Urea year 1, 150 kg @ Rp. 1.500, - USD. 225.000, -
§ Urea year 2, 150 kg Rp. 225.000, -
§ 3rd year of urea, 150 kg Rp. 225.000, -
§ Urea 4th year, 100 kg Rp. 150.000, -
§ Urea year-to-5, 100 kg Rp. 150.000, -
§ TSP year 1, 150 kg @ Rp.1.800, - USD. 270.000, -
§ TSP year 2, 150 kg Rp. 270.000, -
§ TSP 3rd year, 150 kg Rp. 270.000, -
§ TSP 4th year, 100 kg Rp. 180.000, -
§ TSP year-to-5, 100 kg Rp. 180.000, -
§ KCl year 1, 150 kg @ Rp. 1.650, - USD. 247 500, -
§ KCl year 2, 150 kg Rp. 247 500, -
§ KCl 3rd year, 150 kg Rp. 247 500, -
§ KCl 4th year, 100 kg Rp. 165.000, -
§ KCl year-to-5, 100 kg Rp. 165.000, -
3.               Drugs and pesticides: year 1 to year 5 USD. 500.000, -
4.               Equipment Rp. 600.000, -
5.               Labor
§ Planting Rp. 700.000, -
§ Tillage Rp. 1.400.000, -
§ Stitching Rp. 105.000, -
§ Weeding: year-to-1 to year 5 USD. 315.000, -
§ Trimming year 1 to year 5 USD. 210.000, -
§ Eradication of pests / diseases of year 1 sd th 5th Rp. 210.000, -
§ Fertilization year 1 to year 5 USD. 420,000, -
§ Harvest and post-harvest year 2 Rp. 525.000, -
§ Harvest and post-harvest year 3 USD. 700.000, -
§ Harvest and post-harvest year 4 Rp. 700.000, -
§ Harvest and post-harvest year 5 USD. 875.000, -
6.               Total cost of production during the 5 years of Rp. 43.4775 million, -
2.               Revenue
1.               2nd year production average of 1 kg / tree @ Rp. 4.250, - USD. 8.500.000, -
2.               3rd year production average of 1.5 kg / tree Rp. 12.75 million, -
3.               4th year production average of 1.5 kg / tree Rp. 12.75 million, -
4.               2nd year production average of 2 kg / tree Rp. 17000.000, -
5.               Total revenue for 5 years Rp. 51 million, -
3.               Profit
1.               USD profit in 5 years. 7.5225 million, -
2.               The average profit per year Rp. 1.5045 million, -
4.               Parameter feasibility of: 1. B / C ratio = 1.17
10.2. Analysis of Agribusiness
As a native to Indonesia bark has a bright future to be developed both to meet local market or overseas market. In Indonesia, the fruit production experienced a sharp increase from the year 1983- 1987. If in 1983 only 52 014 tonnes and its production declined slightly in 1984 to 46 456 tonnes, then the following years the production of fruits increased very rapidly. Production in 1987 three times more than production in 1983. However, production in 1988 and 1989 has decreased. The data in the table below.
11.1. Scope
These standards include quality requirements, quality testing method, sampling method and way of packaging barking.
11.2. Description
Salak is the fruit of tanamn (Salacca adulia Reinw) in a state quite old, intact, fresh and clean. Salak in Indonesia quality standards listed in the Indonesian National Standard SNI 01-3167-1992.
11.3. Classification and Quality Standards
Type the quality barking in three sizes, large, medium and small. By weight, respectively classified into two types, namely quality Quality I and Quality II, size, weight 61 grams or more per fruit, medium size, weighing 33-60 grams per fruit and small size, weight of 32 grams or less per piece ,
1.               The rate of aging: the old uniform quality I, II quality is not very mature, organoleptic test method
2.               Violence: the quality I loud, harsh II quality, organoleptic test method
3.               Damage Skin Fruit: whole fruit skin quality I, II quality intact, test methods Appearance
4.               Size: uniform quality I, II uniform quality, test methods SP-SMP-310-1981
5.               Foul (weight / weight): the quality I 1%, 1% II quality, test methods SP-SMP-311-1981
6.               Dirt: the quality I free, quality II free, organoleptic test method
11.4. Sampling
1) Salak in Packaging
Samples are taken at random from the amount of packaging as shown below d. Of each pack of 2 kg samples were taken from the top, middle and bottom. The examples were randomized stratified (stratified random sampling) to obtain a minimum of 2 kg for analysis.
1.               The amount of packaging in the party (lot): s / D100, the samples taken 5.
2.               The amount of packaging in the party (lot): 101-300 samples taken 7.
3.               The amount of packaging in the party (lot): 301-500 samples taken 9.
4.               The amount of packaging in the party (lot): 501-1000 samples taken 10.
5.               The amount of packaging in the party (lot)> 1000 samples taken 15 min.
2) Salak in Bulk (in bulk)
Samples are taken at random according dengqan total amount of weight as shown below. These examples are taken the top, middle, bottom and different angles are mixed, then stratified randomized (stratified random sampling) to obtain a minimum of 2 kg for analysis.
1.               Total weight of lot (kg): <200, the samples taken <10.
2.               Total weight of lot (kg): 201-500, the samples taken 20.
3.               Total weight of lot (kg): 501-1000, samples taken 30.
4.               Total weight of lot (kg): 1001-5000, the samples taken 60.
5.               Total weight of lot (kg):> 5000, samples taken min. 100.
11.5. Packaging
Salak packed in baskets, bamboo baskets, wooden crates or other suitable packaging with a maximum net weight of 40 kg. Dry leaves, paper or other materials can be used as an insulator. The contents of the package do not exceed the lid section outside of the basket / packaging labeled that reads inter alia:
1.               Name of goods
2.               Kind of quality
3.               Name / code of the company / Exporter
4.               Class size
5.               Net weight
6.               Production Indonesia
7.               Country / point of interest
8.               Place of Origin
1.               Agricultural Information Center. (1992). Cultivation Salak. LIPTAN Agricultural Information Sheet. Palangkaraya-Central Kalimantan. November.
2.               Agricultural Information Center (1994-1995). Plant Nurseries Salak. LIPTAN. Agricultural Information Sheet. West Sumatra.
3.               Agriculture Department. (1995). Pondoh. Agricultural Information Project. Special Region Of Yogyakarta.
4.               Sunarjono, Hendro. (1998). Fruit Gardening prospects. Jakarta, Penebar Organization.
5.               Tim Writer Penebar Organization. (1998). 18 Varieties Salak: Aquaculture, Business Prospects, Marketing. Jakarta, Penebar Organization.
Source: Management Information System Development in Rural Areas, BAPPENAS

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